Matching Tops

(Read Time: One exceptionally strong Nespresso) One very critical facet of cycling that divides opinion, even among cyclists never mind the rev-head driving a knackered white Vauxhall Corsa van who was impatiently chewing at my rear wheel this morning is how we look on the bicycle... as he called it, 'Fashion'. I know I've written …

The Dark Miles

Before we start, let's address the elephant in the blog. I am well aware that I have previously offered that I do not find that winter miles offer me much inspiration, and I lay the blame for some relatively blog-free silences last winter at precisely this. The handful that follow this blog will know that …

A Tan Topper

WARNING - Deep Content! It's unlikely that many of us will forget where we were actually born, or grew up, however life barrels along at such a pace, that we are forgiven for not giving our soul defining past more than cursory consideration every once in a while. Further, as we're continually evolving through experiences …

That’s fine by me

(Blog Read Time; 1 cup of tea and 3 biscuits) Not long ago, I woke up (not physically, but metaphorically) and realised that I am 'a Cyclist'. On reflection, this is perhaps an unsurprising conclusion, though to me it was something of a revelation, and caused me to question how I ended up in this …